Superflex easy pack

Superflex easy pack: pull to…unveil!

Starting from an “aesthetic”, but also practical requirement, such as improving the Superflex hoses packaging, Merlett has conceived Easy Pack.

The idea is for sure improving the packaging appearance of the Superflex hoses.

A further advantage also comes from a transport point of view: differently from the previous covering, the Easy Pack one allows the storage of smaller products/objects in the  hole in the middle, in order to maximize the available space.

The Easy Pack setting will be firstly implemented on the Superflex PU, Superflex PU L, Superflex PU R and Superflex PU L/R ranges (from ø80mm till the range maximum diameter).

The innovation consists of covering the hose with a close-fitting PE wrap, having a polyester string to be pulled to peel the film. Not only the new packaging improves the outer aesthetic and the manageability of the Superflex hoses, but it is also much easier to be removed from the product. Indeed, it gives the clear benefit to unveil only the necessary hose quantity (to be cut). Furthermore, the opening of the new packaging is absolutely immediate and the hose is ready to be used.

The packaged hose will be then rolled up and tied with a ribbon.

A brand new packaging machine has been installed for the Easy Pack wrapping. This new wrapping machine is 100% flexible as for diameter adjustability: the Easy Pack wrapping takes only a few minutes and the final output is way better than before, both from an aesthetic and a usage point of view.

The below video will show you how the new Easy Pack setting works.

With this new packaging configuration, the space exploitation is maximum, thanks to the available space in the middle of the coil.

A well recognizable Merlett label is applied to the coil far end, to better explain the how the unwrapping works.

The Easy Pack solution has been implemented from mid March ’16 production orders on.

The products with the new packaging are available to the Merlett warehouse and could be regularly delivered to customers, prior old supplies last.